Resolution with Counting: Lower Bounds for Proofs of Membership in the Complement of a Linear Map Image of the Boolean Cube

by   Fedor Part, et al.

We propose a new approach to proving lower bounds for sizes of dag-like proofs in the proof system Res(lin_๐”ฝ_p), where ๐”ฝ_p is a finite field of prime order pโ‰ฅ 5. An exponential lower bound on sizes of arbitrary dag-like refutations in proof systems Res(lin_๐”ฝ) has previously been proven in (Part, Tzameret, ITCS'20) in case ๐”ฝ is a field of characteristic 0 for an instance, which is not CNF: for the binary value principle x_1+2x_2+โ€ฆ+2^n-1x_n = -1. The proof of this lower bound substantially uses peculiarities of characteristic 0 regime and does not give a clue on how to prove lower bounds neither for finite fields nor for CNFs. Aiming at constructing a bridge between lower bounds for the binary value principle and CNF lower bounds we initiate the development of methods for proving dag-like Res(lin_๐”ฝ_p) lower bounds for tautologies of the form bโˆ‰ A({0,1}^n), where A is a linear map. The negation of such a tautology can be represented in the language of Res(lin_๐”ฝ_p) as a system of linear equations Aยท x = b unsatisfiable over the boolean assignments. Instances of this form are in some ways simpler than CNFs, this makes analysis of their Res(lin_๐”ฝ_p) refutations more approachable and might be aided by tools from linear algebra and additive combinatorics. We identify hardness criterions for instances of the form Aยท x = b using notions of an error correcting code and what we call (s, r)-robustness, a combinatorial, algebraic property of linear systems Aยท x = b, which we introduce. We prove two lower bounds for fragments of Res(lin_๐”ฝ_p) that capture two complementary aspects of Res(lin_๐”ฝ_p) refutations and constitute a combinatorial toolbox for approaching general dag-like Res(lin_๐”ฝ_p) refutations.


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