RL-Based Guidance in Outpatient Hysteroscopy Training: A Feasibility Study

by   Vladimir Poliakov, et al.

This work presents an RL-based agent for outpatient hysteroscopy training. Hysteroscopy is a gynecological procedure for examination of the uterine cavity. Recent advancements enabled performing this type of intervention in the outpatient setup without anaesthesia. While being beneficial to the patient, this approach introduces new challenges for clinicians, who should take additional measures to maintain the level of patient comfort and prevent tissue damage. Our prior work has presented a platform for hysteroscopic training with the focus on the passage of the cervical canal. With this work, we aim to extend the functionality of the platform by designing a subsystem that autonomously performs the task of the passage of the cervical canal. This feature can later be used as a virtual instructor to provide educational cues for trainees and assess their performance. The developed algorithm is based on the soft actor critic approach to smooth the learning curve of the agent and ensure uniform exploration of the workspace. The designed algorithm was tested against the performance of five clinicians. Overall, the algorithm demonstrated high efficiency and reliability, succeeding in 98 the expert group in three out of four measured metrics.


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