RPYFMM: Parallel Adaptive Fast Multipole Method for Rotne-Prager-Yamakawa Tensor in Biomolecular Hydrodynamics Simulations

by   W. Guan, et al.

RPYFMM is a software package for the efficient evaluation of the potential field governed by the Rotne-Prager-Yamakawa (RPY) tensor interactions in biomolecular hydrodynamics simulations. In our algorithm, the RPY tensor is decomposed as a linear combination of four Laplace interactions, each of which is evaluated using the adaptive fast multipole method (FMM) [1] where the exponential expansions are applied to diagonalize the multipole-to-local translation operators. RPYFMM offers a unified execution on both shared and distributed memory computers by leveraging the DASHMM library [2, 3]. Preliminary numerical results show that the interactions for a molecular system of 15 million particles (beads) can be computed within one second on a Cray XC30 cluster using 12, 288 cores, while achieving approximately 54 strong-scaling efficiency.


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