Rule Designs for Optimal Online Game Matchmaking

by   Mingkuan Xu, et al.

Online games are the most popular form of entertainment among youngsters as well as elders. Recognized as e-Sports, they may become an official part of the Olympic Games by 2020. However, a long waiting time for matchmaking will largely affect players' experiences. We examine different matchmaking mechanisms for 2v2 games. By casting the mechanisms into a queueing theoretic framework, we decompose the rule design process into a sequence of decision making problems, and derive the optimal mechanism with minimum expected waiting time. We further the result by exploring additional static as well as dynamic rule designs' impacts. In the static setting, we consider the game allows players to choose sides before the battle. In the dynamic setting, we consider the game offers multiple zones for players of different skill levels. In both settings, we examine the value of choice-free players. Closed form expressions for the expected waiting time in different settings illuminate the guidelines for online game rule designs.


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