Scenic Routes in R^d

by   Kamalakar Karlapalem, et al.

In this work, we introduce the problem of scenic routes among points in Rd. The key development is the nature of the problem in terms of both defining the concept of scenic points and scenic routes and then coming up with algorithms that meet different criteria for the generated scenic routes. The scenic routes problem provides a visual trajectory for a user to comprehend the layout of high-dimensional points. The nature of this trajectory and the visual layout of the points have applications in comprehending the results of machine learning supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. We study the problem in 2D and 3D (with two color points) before exploring the issues in Rd. The red/blue points in our examples could be to be in a class or not to be in a class. The applications could include landscape design to adhere to the scenic beauty of the artifacts on the ground. The generation of equally separated layouts for designing composite hardware where interference could be an issue.


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