Scheduling to Learn In An Unsupervised Online Streaming Model

by   R. Vaze, et al.

An unsupervised online streaming model is considered where samples arrive in an online fashion over T slots. There are M classifiers, whose confusion matrices are unknown a priori. In each slot, at most one sample can be labeled by any classifier. The accuracy of a sample is a function of the set of labels obtained for it from various classifiers. The utility of a sample is a scalar multiple of its accuracy minus the response time (difference of the departure slot and the arrival slot), where the departure slot is also decided by the algorithm. Since each classifier can label at most one sample per slot, there is a tradeoff between obtaining a larger set of labels for a particular sample to improve its accuracy, and its response time. The problem of maximizing the sum of the utilities of all samples is considered, where learning the confusion matrices, sample-classifier matching assignment, and sample departure slot decisions depend on each other. The proposed algorithm first learns the confusion matrices, and then uses a greedy algorithm for sample-classifier matching. A sample departs once its incremental utility turns non-positive. We show that the competitive ratio of the proposed algorithm is 1/2-𝒪(log T/T).


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