Self-Ensemble Protection: Training Checkpoints Are Good Data Protectors

by   Sizhe Chen, et al.

As data become increasingly vital for deep learning, a company would be very cautious about releasing data, because the competitors could use the released data to train high-performance models, thereby posing a tremendous threat to the company's commercial competence. To prevent training good models on the data, imperceptible perturbations could be added to it. Since such perturbations aim at hurting the entire training process, they should reflect the vulnerability of DNN training, rather than that of a single model. Based on this new idea, we seek adversarial examples that are always unrecognized (never correctly classified) in training. In this paper, we uncover them by modeling checkpoints' gradients, forming the proposed self-ensemble protection (SEP), which is very effective because (1) learning on examples ignored during normal training tends to yield DNNs ignoring normal examples; (2) checkpoints' cross-model gradients are close to orthogonal, meaning that they are as diverse as DNNs with different architectures in conventional ensemble. That is, our amazing performance of ensemble only requires the computation of training one model. By extensive experiments with 9 baselines on 3 datasets and 5 architectures, SEP is verified to be a new state-of-the-art, e.g., our small ℓ_∞=2/255 perturbations reduce the accuracy of a CIFAR-10 ResNet18 from 94.56% to 14.68%, compared to 41.35% by the best-known method.Code is available at


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