Set Twister for Single-hop Node Classification
Node classification is a central task in relational learning, with the current state-of-the-art hinging on two key principles: (i) predictions are permutation-invariant to the ordering of a node's neighbors, and (ii) predictions are a function of the node's r-hop neighborhood topology and attributes, r ≥ 2. Both graph neural networks and collective inference methods (e.g., belief propagation) rely on information from up to r-hops away. In this work, we study if the use of more powerful permutation-invariant functions can sometimes avoid the need for classifiers to collect information beyond 1-hop. Towards this, we introduce a new architecture, the Set Twister, which generalizes DeepSets (Zaheer et al., 2017), a simple and widely-used permutation-invariant representation. Set Twister theoretically increases expressiveness of DeepSets, allowing it to capture higher-order dependencies, while keeping its simplicity and low computational cost. Empirically, we see accuracy improvements of Set Twister over DeepSets as well as a variety of graph neural networks and collective inference schemes in several tasks, while showcasing its implementation simplicity and computational efficiency.