SOCluster- Towards Intent-based Clustering of Stack Overflow Questions using Graph-Based Approach

by   Abhishek Kumar, et al.

Stack Overflow (SO) platform has a huge dataset of questions and answers driven by interactions between users. But the count of unanswered questions is continuously rising. This issue is common across various community Question Answering platforms (Q A) such as Yahoo, Quora and so on. Clustering is one of the approaches used by these communities to address this challenge. Specifically, Intent-based clustering could be leveraged to answer unanswered questions using other answered questions in the same cluster and can also improve the response time for new questions. It is here, we propose SOCluster, an approach and a tool to cluster SO questions based on intent using a graph-based clustering approach. We selected four datasets of 10k, 20k, 30k 40k SO questions without code-snippets or images involved, and performed intent-based clustering on them. We have done a preliminary evaluation of our tool by analyzing the resultant clusters using the commonly used metrics of Silhouette coefficient, Calinkski-Harabasz Index, Davies-Bouldin Index. We performed clustering for 8 different threshold similarity values and analyzed the intriguing trends reflected by the output clusters through the three evaluation metrics. At 90 the three evaluation metrics on all four datasets. The source code and tool are available for download on Github at:, and the demo can be found here:


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