Spatially-Adaptive Feature Modulation for Efficient Image Super-Resolution

by   Long Sun, et al.

Although numerous solutions have been proposed for image super-resolution, they are usually incompatible with low-power devices with many computational and memory constraints. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing a simple yet effective deep network to solve image super-resolution efficiently. In detail, we develop a spatially-adaptive feature modulation (SAFM) mechanism upon a vision transformer (ViT)-like block. Within it, we first apply the SAFM block over input features to dynamically select representative feature representations. As the SAFM block processes the input features from a long-range perspective, we further introduce a convolutional channel mixer (CCM) to simultaneously extract local contextual information and perform channel mixing. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed method is 3× smaller than state-of-the-art efficient SR methods, e.g., IMDN, in terms of the network parameters and requires less computational cost while achieving comparable performance. The code is available at


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