Spatially-optimized finite-difference schemes for numerical dispersion suppression in seismic applications

by   Edward Caunt, et al.

Propagation characteristics of a wave are defined by the dispersion relationship, from which the governing partial differential equation (PDE) can be recovered. PDEs are commonly solved numerically using the finite-difference (FD) method, with stencils constructed from truncated Taylor series expansions which, whilst typically providing good approximation of the PDE in the space-time domain, often differ considerably from the original partial differential in the wavenumber-frequency domain where the dispersion relationship is defined. Consequentially, stable, high-order FD schemes may not necessarily result in realistic wave behavior, commonly exhibiting numerical dispersion: lagging high-frequency components as a product of discretization. A method for optimizing FD stencil weightings via constrained minimization to better approximate the partial derivative in the wavenumber domain is proposed, allowing for accurate propagation with coarser grids than would be otherwise possible. This was applied to second derivatives on a standard grid and first derivatives on a staggered grid. To evaluate the efficacy of the method, a pair of numerical simulations were devised to compare spatially-optimized stencils with conventional formulations of equivalent extent. A spatially-optimized formulation of the 1D acoustic wave equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions is presented, evaluating performance at a range of grid spacings, examining the interval between the theoretical maximum grid spacings for the conventional and optimized schemes in finer detail. The optimized scheme was found to offer superior performance for undersampled wavefields and heavily oversampled wavefields. Staggered-grid first derivative stencils were then applied to the P-SV elastic wave formulation, simulating seismic wave propagation for a two-layer, water-over-rock model.


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