T-BFA: Targeted Bit-Flip Adversarial Weight Attack
Deep Neural Network (DNN) attacks have mostly been conducted through adversarial input example generation. Recent work on adversarial attack of DNNweights, especially, Bit-Flip based adversarial weight Attack (BFA) has proved to be very powerful. BFA is an un-targeted attack that can classify all inputs into a random output class by flipping a very small number of weight bits stored in computer memory. This paper presents the first work on targeted adversarial weight attack for quantized DNN models. Specifically, we propose Targeted variants of BFA (T-BFA), which can intentionally mislead selected inputs to a target output class. The objective is achieved by identifying the weight bits that are highly associated with the classification of a targeted output through a novel class-dependant weight bit ranking algorithm. T-BFA performance has been successfully demonstrated on multiple network architectures for the image classification task. For example, by merely flipping 27 (out of 88 million) weight bits, T-BFA can misclassify all the images in Ibex class into Proboscis Monkey class (i.e., 100 rate) on ImageNet dataset, while maintaining 59.35 ResNet-18.