The Lagrange approach in the monotone single index model
The finite-dimensional parameters of the monotone single index model are often estimated by minimization of a least squares criterion and reparametrization to deal with the non-unicity. We avoid the reparametrization by using a Lagrange-type method and replace the minimization over the finite-dimensional parameter by a `crossing of zero' criterion at the derivative level. In particular, we consider a simple score estimator (SSE), an efficient score estimator (ESE), and a penalized least squares estimator (PLSE) for which we can apply this method. The SSE and ESE were discussed in Balabdaoui, Groeneboom and Hendrickx (2018, but the proofs still used reparametrization. Another version of the PLSE was discussed in 20 pagesKuchibhotla and Patra (2017), where also reparametrization was used. The estimators are compared with the profile least squares estimator (LSE), Han's maximum rank estimator (MRE), the effective dimension reduction estimator (EDR) and a linear least squares estimator, which can be used if the covariates have a elliptically symmetric distribution. We also investigate the effects of random starting values in the search algorithms.