The MUIR Framework: Cross-Linking MOOC Resources to Enhance Discussion Forums

by   Ya-Hui An, et al.

New learning resources are created and minted in Massive Open Online Courses every week – new videos, quizzes, assessments and discussion threads are deployed and interacted with – in the era of on-demand online learning. However, these resources are often artificially siloed between platforms and artificial web application models. Facilitating the linking between such resources facilitates learning and multimodal understanding, bettering learners' experience. We create a framework for MOOC Uniform Identifier for Resources (MUIR). MUIR enables applications to refer and link to such resources in a cross-platform way, allowing the easy minting of identifiers to MOOC resources, akin to #hashtags. We demonstrate the feasibility of this approach to the automatic identification, linking and resolution – a task known as Wikification – of learning resources mentioned on MOOC discussion forums, from a harvested collection of 100K+ resources. Our Wikification system achieves a high initial rate of 54.6 discussion forums, demonstrating the utility of the MUIR framework. Our analysis on this new problem shows that context is a key factor in determining the correct resolution of such mentions.


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