The prediction distribution of a GARCH(1,1) process

by   Karim M. Abadir, et al.

This paper derives the analytic form of the h-step ahead prediction density of a GARCH(1,1) process under Gaussian innovations, with a possibly asymmetric news impact curve. The analytic form of the density is novel and improves on current methods based on approximations and simulations. The explicit form of the density permits to compute tail probabilities and functionals, such as expected shortfall, that measure risk when the underlying asset return is generated by a GARCH(1,1). The prediction densities are derived for any finite prediction horizon h. For the stationary case, as h increases the prediction density converges to a distribution with Pareto tails which whose form has been already described in the literature. The formulae in the paper characterize the degree of non-gaussianity of the prediction distribution, and the distance between the tails of the finite horizon prediction distribution and the ones of the stationary distribution.


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