The Refinement Calculus of Reactive Systems

by   Viorel Preoteasa, et al.

The Refinement Calculus of Reactive Systems (RCRS) is a compositional formal framework for modeling and reasoning about reactive systems. RCRS provides a language which allows to describe atomic components as symbolic transition systems or QLTL formulas, and composite components formed using three primitive composition operators: serial, parallel, and feedback. The semantics of the language is given in terms of monotonic property transformers, an extension to reactive systems of monotonic predicate transformers which have been used to give compositional semantics to sequential programs. RCRS allows to specify both safety and liveness properties. It also allows to model input-output systems which are both non-deterministic and non-input-receptive (i.e., which may reject some inputs at some points in time), and can thus be seen as a behavioral type system. RCRS provides a set of techniques for symbolic computer-aided reasoning, including compositional static analysis and verification. RCRS comes with an open-source implementation built on top of the Isabelle theorem prover.


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