Tiny Adversarial Mulit-Objective Oneshot Neural Architecture Search

by   Guoyang Xie, et al.

Due to limited computational cost and energy consumption, most neural network models deployed in mobile devices are tiny. However, tiny neural networks are commonly very vulnerable to attacks. Current research has proved that larger model size can improve robustness, but little research focuses on how to enhance the robustness of tiny neural networks. Our work focuses on how to improve the robustness of tiny neural networks without seriously deteriorating of clean accuracy under mobile-level resources. To this end, we propose a multi-objective oneshot network architecture search (NAS) algorithm to obtain the best trade-off networks in terms of the adversarial accuracy, the clean accuracy and the model size. Specifically, we design a novel search space based on new tiny blocks and channels to balance model size and adversarial performance. Moreover, since the supernet significantly affects the performance of subnets in our NAS algorithm, we reveal the insights into how the supernet helps to obtain the best subnet under white-box adversarial attacks. Concretely, we explore a new adversarial training paradigm by analyzing the adversarial transferability, the width of the supernet and the difference between training the subnets from scratch and fine-tuning. Finally, we make a statistical analysis for the layer-wise combination of certain blocks and channels on the first non-dominated front, which can serve as a guideline to design tiny neural network architectures for the resilience of adversarial perturbations.


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