Towards Universally Optimal Shortest Paths Algorithms in the Hybrid Model

by   Philipp Schneider, et al.

A drawback of the classic approach for complexity analysis of distributed graph problems is that it mostly informs about the complexity of notorious classes of “worst case” graphs. Algorithms that are used to prove a tight (existential) bound are essentially optimized to perform well on such worst case graphs. However, such graphs are often either unlikely or actively avoided in practice, where benign graph instances usually admit much faster solutions. To circumnavigate these drawbacks, the concept of universal complexity analysis in the distributed setting was suggested by [Kutten and Peleg, PODC'95] and actively pursued by [Haeupler et al., STOC'21]. Here, the aim is to gauge the complexity of a distributed graph problem depending on the given graph instance. The challenge is to identify and understand the graph property that allows to accurately quantify the complexity of a distributed problem on a given graph. In the present work, we consider distributed shortest paths problems in the HYBRID model of distributed computing, where nodes have simultaneous access to two different modes of communication: one is restricted by locality and the other is restricted by congestion. We identify the graph parameter of neighborhood quality and show that it accurately describes a universal bound for the complexity of certain class of shortest paths problems in the HYBRID model.


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