Turn Tree into Graph: Automatic Code Review via Simplified AST Driven Graph Convolutional Network

by   B. Wu, et al.

Automatic code review (ACR), which can relieve the costs of manual inspection, is an indispensable and essential task in software engineering. To deal with ACR, existing work is to serialize the abstract syntax tree (AST). However, making sense of the whole AST with sequence encoding approach is a daunting task, mostly due to some redundant nodes in AST hinder the transmission of node information. Not to mention that the serialized representation is inadequate to grasp the information of tree structure in AST. In this paper, we first present a new large-scale Apache Automatic Code Review (AACR) dataset for ACR task since there is still no publicly available dataset in this task. The release of this dataset would push forward the research in this field. Based on it, we propose a novel Simplified AST based Graph Convolutional Network (SimAST-GCN) to deal with ACR task. Concretely, to improve the efficiency of node information dissemination, we first simplify the AST of code by deleting the redundant nodes that do not contain connection attributes, and thus deriving a Simplified AST. Then, we construct a relation graph for each code based on the Simplified AST to properly embody the relations among code fragments of the tree structure into the graph. Subsequently, in the light of the merit of graph structure, we explore a graph convolution networks architecture that follows an attention mechanism to leverage the crucial implications of code fragments to derive code representations. Finally, we exploit a simple but effective subtraction operation in the representations between the original and revised code, enabling the revised difference to be preferably learned for deciding the results of ACR. Experimental results on the AACR dataset illustrate that our proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.


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