Twin-width VIII: delineation and win-wins

by   ร‰douard Bonnet, et al.

We introduce the notion of delineation. A graph class ๐’ž is said delineated if for every hereditary closure ๐’Ÿ of a subclass of ๐’ž, it holds that ๐’Ÿ has bounded twin-width if and only if ๐’Ÿ is monadically dependent. An effective strengthening of delineation for a class ๐’ž implies that tractable FO model checking on ๐’ž is perfectly understood: On hereditary closures ๐’Ÿ of subclasses of ๐’ž, FO model checking is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) exactly when ๐’Ÿ has bounded twin-width. Ordered graphs [BGOdMSTT, STOC '22] and permutation graphs [BKTW, JACM '22] are effectively delineated, while subcubic graphs are not. On the one hand, we prove that interval graphs, and even, rooted directed path graphs are delineated. On the other hand, we show that segment graphs, directed path graphs, and visibility graphs of simple polygons are not delineated. In an effort to draw the delineation frontier between interval graphs (that are delineated) and axis-parallel two-lengthed segment graphs (that are not), we investigate the twin-width of restricted segment intersection classes. It was known that (triangle-free) pure axis-parallel unit segment graphs have unbounded twin-width [BGKTW, SODA '21]. We show that K_t,t-free segment graphs, and axis-parallel H_t-free unit segment graphs have bounded twin-width, where H_t is the half-graph or ladder of height t. In contrast, axis-parallel H_4-free two-lengthed segment graphs have unbounded twin-width. Our new results, combined with the known FPT algorithm for FO model checking on graphs given with O(1)-sequences, lead to win-win arguments. For instance, we derive FPT algorithms for k-Ladder on visibility graphs of 1.5D terrains, and k-Independent Set on visibility graphs of simple polygons.


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