Uncertainty driven probabilistic voxel selection for image registration
This paper presents a novel probabilistic voxel selection strategy for medical image registration in time-sensitive contexts, where the goal is aggressive voxel sampling (e.g. using less than 1 maintaining registration accuracy and low failure rate. We develop a Bayesian framework whereby, first, a voxel sampling probability field (VSPF) is built based on the uncertainty on the transformation parameters. We then describe a practical, multi-scale registration algorithm, where, at each optimization iteration, different voxel subsets are sampled based on the VSPF. The approach maximizes accuracy without committing to a particular fixed subset of voxels. The probabilistic sampling scheme developed is shown to manage the tradeoff between the robustness of traditional random voxel selection (by permitting more exploration) and the accuracy of fixed voxel selection (by permitting a greater proportion of informative voxels).