UNER: Universal Named-Entity RecognitionFramework

by   Diego Alves, et al.

We introduce the Universal Named-Entity Recognition (UNER)framework, a 4-level classification hierarchy, and the methodology that isbeing adopted to create the first multilingual UNER corpus: the SETimesparallel corpus annotated for named-entities. First, the English SETimescorpus will be annotated using existing tools and knowledge bases. Afterevaluating the resulting annotations through crowdsourcing campaigns,they will be propagated automatically to other languages within the SE-Times corpora. Finally, as an extrinsic evaluation, the UNER multilin-gual dataset will be used to train and test available NER tools. As part offuture research directions, we aim to increase the number of languages inthe UNER corpus and to investigate possible ways of integrating UNERwith available knowledge graphs to improve named-entity recognition.


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