Universal limitations on quantum key distribution over a network

by   Siddhartha Das, et al.

Entanglement is an intriguing quantum phenomenon with crucial implications for both fundamental physics and technological applications, e.g., quantum key distribution (QKD). In this paper, we show that multipartite private states from which secret keys are directly accessible to trusted partners are genuinely multipartite entangled states. With application to secure Quantum Internet, we consider the most general setup of multipartite quantum process (channel) in a network setting: multiplex quantum channel with involved parties having one of the three possible roles– that of only sender or receiver, or both sender and receiver. We derive divergence-based measures for entangling abilities of multipartite quantum channels. We describe an LOCC-assisted secret key agreement (SKA) protocol for generation or distillation of key (private random bits) among multiple trusted allies connected through a quantum multiplex channel secure against a quantum eavesdropper, of which measurement-device-independent QKD and SKA protocols over quantum network laced with key repeaters are particular instances. We are able to provide upper bounds on the non-asymptotic private capacities, maximum rate at which secret key can be distilled via finite uses of channels, and lower bounds on asymptotic capacities. These bounds are expressed in terms of the divergence-based entanglement measures of the channels. Some of these measures lead to strong converse bounds on private capacities. Our upper bounds on the private capacities also are upper bound on the multipartite quantum capacities where goal is to distill Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) state. Also, we are able to derive upper bound on the secret key bits that can be distilled via LOCC among trusted allies sharing finite copies of multipartite quantum states.


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