Unsupervised adulterated red-chili pepper content transformation for hyperspectral classification

by   Muhammad Hussain Khan, et al.

Preserving red-chili quality is of utmost importance in which the authorities demand the quality techniques to detect, classify and prevent it from the impurities. For example, salt, wheat flour, wheat bran, and rice bran contamination in grounded red chili, which typically a food, are a serious threat to people who are allergic to such items. This work presents the feasibility of utilizing visible and near-infrared (VNIR) hyperspectral imaging (HSI) to detect and classify the aforementioned adulterants in red chili. However, adulterated red chili data annotation is a big challenge for classification because the acquisition of labeled data for real-time supervised learning is expensive in terms of cost and time. Therefore, this study, for the very first time proposes a novel approach to annotate the red chili samples using a clustering mechanism at 500 nm wavelength spectral response due to its dark appearance at a specified wavelength. Later the spectral samples are classified into pure or adulterated using one-class SVM. The classification performance achieves 99 for adulterated samples. We further investigate that the single classification model is enough to detect any foreign substance in red chili pepper rather than cascading multiple PLS regression models.


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