Using Natural Language Explanations to Rescale Human Judgments

by   Manya Wadhwa, et al.

The rise of large language models (LLMs) has brought a critical need for high-quality human-labeled data, particularly for processes like human feedback and evaluation. A common practice is to label data via consensus annotation over the judgments of multiple crowdworkers. However, different annotators may have different interpretations of labeling schemes unless given extensive training, and for subjective NLP tasks, even trained expert annotators can diverge heavily. We show that these nuances can be captured by high quality natural language explanations, and propose a method to rescale ordinal annotation in the presence of disagreement using LLMs. Specifically, we feed Likert ratings and corresponding natural language explanations into an LLM and prompt it to produce a numeric score. This score should reflect the underlying assessment of the example by the annotator. The presence of explanations allows the LLM to homogenize ratings across annotators in spite of scale usage differences. We explore our technique in the context of a document-grounded question answering task on which large language models achieve near-human performance. Among questions where annotators identify incompleteness in the answers, our rescaling improves correlation between nearly all annotator pairs, improving pairwise correlation on these examples by an average of 0.2 Kendall's tau.


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