Variance reduction for distributed stochastic gradient MCMC
Stochastic gradient MCMC methods, such as stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics (SGLD), have emerged as one of the dominant approaches for posterior sampling in large-scale settings. While gradient evaluations based on only a small fraction of the data significantly reduce the computational cost, they may suffer from high variance, leading to slow convergence. In distributed settings, where the data lie scattered across a number of workers, the problem of high variance is particularly imminent and is even worse if the data subsets held by the workers are very heterogeneous. The impact of variance reduction has been studied in serial settings but not in distributed scenarios so far. In this work, we derive variance bounds for distributed SGLD and introduce the concept of conducive gradients, zero-mean stochastic gradients that serve as a mechanism for sharing probabilistic information between workers. We introduce a novel stochastic gradient estimator which incorporates the inducive gradients, and show both theoretically and empirically that it reduces variance, and hence improves convergence.