Video2Shop: Exactly Matching Clothes in Videos to Online Shopping Images

by   Zhi-Qi Cheng, et al.

In recent years, both online retail and video hosting service are exponentially growing. In this paper, we explore a new cross-domain task, Video2Shop, targeting for matching clothes appeared in videos to the exact same items in online shops. A novel deep neural network, called AsymNet, is proposed to explore this problem. For the image side, well- established methods are used to detect and extract features for clothing patches with arbitrary sizes. For the video side, deep visual features are extracted from detected object re- gions in each frame, and further fed into a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) framework for sequence modeling, which captures the temporal dynamics in videos. To conduct exact matching between videos and online shopping images, LSTM hidden states, representing the video, and image features, which represent static object images, are jointly mod- eled under the similarity network with reconfigurable deep tree structure. Moreover, an approximate training method is proposed to achieve the efficiency when training. Extensive experiments conducted on a large cross-domain dataset have demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed AsymNet, which outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.


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