Vision for an Artefact-based Approach to Regulatory Requirements Engineering

by   Oleksandr Kosenkov, et al.

Background: Nowadays, regulatory requirements engineering (regulatory RE) faces challenges of interdisciplinary nature that cannot be tackled due to existing research gaps. Aims: We envision an approach to solve some of the challenges related to the nature and complexity of regulatory requirements, the necessity for domain knowledge, and the involvement of legal experts in regulatory RE. Method: We suggest the qualitative analysis of regulatory texts combined with the further case study to develop an empirical foundation for our research. Results: We outline our vision for the application of extended artefact-based modeling for regulatory RE. Conclusions: Empirical methodology is an essential instrument to address interdisciplinarity and complexity in regulatory RE. Artefact-based modeling supported by empirical results can solve a particular set of problems while not limiting the application of other methods and tools and facilitating the interaction between different fields of practice and research.


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