WAFFLE: Watermarking in Federated Learning

by   Buse Gul Atli, et al.

Creators of machine learning models can use watermarking as a technique to demonstrate their ownership if their models are stolen. Several recent proposals watermark deep neural network (DNN) models using backdooring: training them with additional mislabeled data. Backdooring requires full access to the training data and control of the training process. This is feasible when a single party trains the model in a centralized manner, but not in a federated learning setting where the training process and training data are distributed among several parties. In this paper, we introduce WAFFLE, the first approach to watermark DNN models in federated learning. It introduces a re-training step after each aggregation of local models into the global model. We show that WAFFLE efficiently embeds a resilient watermark into models with a negligible test accuracy degradation (-0.17 data. We introduce a novel technique to generate the backdoor used as a watermark. It outperforms prior techniques, imposing no communication, and low computational(+2.8


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