The aspect ratio of a weighted graph G is the ratio of its maximum edge
This paper presents parallel and distributed algorithms for single-sourc...
In the weighted load balancing problem, the input is an n-vertex biparti...
For an n-vertex directed graph G = (V,E), a β-shortcut set H
is a set of...
We consider the problem of maintaining an approximate maximum integral
We present a randomized algorithm that computes single-source shortest p...
In the decremental single-source shortest paths problem, the goal is to
Let G = (V,E,w) be a weighted, digraph subject to a sequence of adversar...
In the load balancing problem, the input is an n-vertex bipartite graph ...
We study the problem of computing an approximate maximum cardinality mat...
Designing dynamic graph algorithms against an adaptive adversary is a ma...
In the decremental Single-Source Shortest Path problem (SSSP), we are gi...
Computing the Strongly-Connected Components (SCCs) in a graph G=(V,E) is...
In the distributed all-pairs shortest paths problem (APSP), every node
In this paper, we present a construction of a `matching sparsifier', tha...
Many dynamic graph algorithms have an amortized update time, rather than...
Randomized composable coresets were introduced recently as an effective