Despite recent medical advancements, breast cancer remains one of the mo...
Capturing global contextual information plays a critical role in breast
Cancer is a term that denotes a group of diseases caused by abnormal gro...
Histopathology image synthesis aims to address the data shortage issue i...
Existing deep networks for histopathology image synthesis cannot generat...
Robust self-training (RST) can augment the adversarial robustness of ima...
Deep learning-based computer-aided diagnosis has achieved unprecedented
Existing deep learning-based approaches for histopathology image analysi...
Gland segmentation is a critical step to quantitatively assess the morph...
In healthcare, it is essential to explain the decision-making process of...
Separating overlapped nuclei is a major challenge in histopathology imag...
Recent research on the application of remote sensing and deep learning-b...
The generalization performance of deep learning models for medical image...
Breast tumor segmentation provides accurate tumor boundary, and serves a...
Separating overlapped nuclei is a major challenge in histopathology imag...
Incorporating human expertise and domain knowledge is particularly impor...