We introduce a formal meta-language for probabilistic programming, capab...
This paper introduces a new algorithm for unsupervised learning of keypo...
Probabilistic logic reasoning is a central component of such cognitive
Person re-identification (Re-ID) is the task of matching humans across
Universal induction relies on some general search procedure that is doom...
Cross-dataset transfer learning is an important problem in person
In this paper we propose a conceptual framework for higher-order artific...
What frameworks and architectures are necessary to create a vision syste...
Image and video retrieval by their semantic content has been an importan...
Rational agents are usually built to maximize rewards. However, AGI agen...
Solomonoff induction is known to be universal, but incomputable. Its
Optimal probabilistic approach in reinforcement learning is computationa...
Universal induction is a crucial issue in AGI. Its practical applicabili...
Existing theoretical universal algorithmic intelligence models are not