The protection of pathways holds immense significance across various dom...
The Orthogonal Watchman Route Problem (OWRP) entails the search for the
Given two sets A=a_1,a_2,...,a_s and b_1,b_2,...,b_t, a many-to-many
FAST problem is finding minimum feedback arc set problem in tournaments....
Given two point sets S and T, we first study the many-to-many matching w...
Given two point sets S and T on a line, we present a linear time algorit...
Given a simple polygon P of n vertices in the Plane. We
study the pr...
Given a simple polygon P of n vertices in the Plane. We
study the prob...
Classifiers trained using conventional empirical risk minimization or ma...
Third-generation neural networks, or Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), aim...
We are interested in the problem of guarding simple orthogonal polygons ...
A hidden guard set G is a set of point guards in polygon P that all
Given an orthogonal polygon P with n vertices, the goal of the
Given a graph G with n vertices and a set S of n points in
the p...