We study statistical/computational tradeoffs for the following density
We give improved tradeoffs between space and regret for the online learn...
Recent work shows that the expressive power of Graph Neural Networks (GN...
We investigate various online packing problems in which convex polygons
In dynamic load balancing, we wish to distribute balls into bins in an
We consider planar tiling and packing problems with polyomino pieces and...
To get estimators that work within a certain error bound with high
We say that a simple, closed curve γ in the plane has bounded convex
The frequencies of the elements in a data stream are an important statis...
Previous work on tabulation hashing of Pǎtraşcu and Thorup from
STOC'11 ...
Suppose that A is a convex body in the plane and that A_1,...,A_n are
We consider the hashing of a set X⊆ U with |X|=m using a simple
Suppose that we are to place m balls into n bins sequentially using the
Given a graph, does there exist an orientation of the edges such that th...