Anomalies are often indicators of malfunction or inefficiency in various...
Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) methods lack ground truth. In ...
Frequency estimation of elements is an important task for summarizing da...
Counterfactual explanations represent the minimal change to a data sampl...
Class-imbalanced data, in which some classes contain far more samples th...
Tabular data underpins numerous high-impact applications of machine lear...
In the environment of fair lending laws and the General Data Protection
Task oriented dialogue (TOD) requires the complex interleaving of a numb...
Temporal data are ubiquitous in the financial services (FS) industry –
In data science, there is a long history of using synthetic data for met...
Financial transactions constitute connections between entities and throu...
Graph Representation Learning (GRL) has experienced significant progress...
With the rising interest in graph representation learning, a variety of
Financial transactions can be considered edges in a heterogeneous graph
Graph embedding is a popular algorithmic approach for creating vector