Today, the most widespread, widely applicable technology for gathering d...
Ability to test firmware on embedded devices is critical to discovering
Emulation-based fuzzers enable testing binaries without source code, and...
Exponential growth in embedded systems is driving the research imperativ...
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved tremendous success in many gr...
We consider the online planning problem for a team of agents to discover...
Internet of Things devices are widely adopted by the general population....
Human activity recognition (HAR) is an important research field in ubiqu...
The resampling process employed in widely used methods such as Importanc...
Given the ubiquity of memory in commodity electronic devices, fingerprin...
This paper presents a method for remotely and dynamically determining th...
Emerging ultra-low-power tiny scale computing devices in Cyber-Physical
We consider the challenging problem of tracking multiple objects using a...
Wearables are fundamental to improving our understanding of human activi...
Falls have serious consequences and are prevalent in acute hospitals and...
This work corroborates a run-time Trojan detection method exploiting STR...
We consider the challenging problem of online planning for a team of age...
We propose Februus; a novel idea to neutralize insidous and highly poten...
Doubts over safety and trustworthiness of deep learning systems have eme...
Batteryless or so called passive wearables are providing new and innovat...
Recent trojan attacks on deep neural network (DNN) models are one insidi...
Recently, we have witnessed the emergence of intermittently powered
A securely maintained key is the premise upon which data stored and
A physical unclonable function (PUF) generates hardware intrinsic volati...
The simplicity of deployment and perpetual operation of energy harvestin...
The physical unclonable function (PUF), alike fingerprint of human being...
Autonomous aerial robots provide new possibilities to study the habitats...
Autonomous aerial robots provide new possibilities to study the habitats...