COVID-19 has led to excess deaths around the world, however it remains
Advances in information technology have increased the availability of
Causal regularization was introduced as a stable causal inference strate...
The package hset for the R language contains an implementation of a S4 c...
The stochastic actor oriented model (SAOM) is a method for modelling soc...
Until 2022, the US patent citation network contained almost 10 million
Aim: Spatio-temporal processes play a key role in ecology, from genes to...
The citation network of patents citing prior art arises from the legal
Dynamic relational processes, such as e-mail exchanges, bank loans and
Temporal network data often encode time-stamped interaction events betwe...
Italy, particularly the Lombardy region, was among the first countries
With the advent of ubiquitous monitoring and measurement protocols, stud...
This paper introduces sparse dynamic chain graph models for network infe...
Actor-event data are common in sociological settings, whereby one regist...
Graphical models are powerful tools for modeling and making statistical
Linkage maps are important for fundamental and applied genetic research....
Graphical models provide powerful tools to uncover complicated patterns ...