Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technologies have the potential to improv...
In this paper, we explore the use of metric learning to embed Windows PE...
In this paper we describe the SOREL-20M (Sophos/ReversingLabs-20 Million...
Machine Learning (ML) for information security (InfoSec) utilizes distin...
Machine learning (ML) used for static portable executable (PE) malware
With the rapid proliferation and increased sophistication of malicious
Malware detection is a popular application of Machine Learning for
When the cost of misclassifying a sample is high, it is useful to have a...
Malicious email attachments are a growing delivery vector for malware. W...
Facial attributes, emerging soft biometrics, must be automatically and
Much research has been conducted on both face identification and face
In recent years, traditional cybersecurity safeguards have proven ineffe...
As our professional, social, and financial existences become increasingl...