Saturating sets are combinatorial objects in projective spaces over fini...
By exploiting the connection between scattered 𝔽_q-subspaces of
𝔽_q^m^3 ...
The concept of scattered polynomials is generalized to those of exceptio...
Minimal rank-metric codes or, equivalently, linear cutting blocking sets...
We revisit and extend the connections between 𝔽_q^m-linear
rank-metric c...
Let PG(r, q) be the r-dimensional projective space over the finite field...
Let M denote the set S_n, q of n × n symmetric
matrices with entries in ...
In the context of constant–dimension subspace codes, an important proble...
In [10], the existence of F_q-linear MRD-codes of
F_q^6× 6, with dimensi...
We improve on the lower bound of the maximum number of planes of