Quantifying uncertainty is important for actionable predictions in real-...
Activity and property prediction models are the central workhorses in dr...
Contrastive learning with the InfoNCE objective is exceptionally success...
An essential step in the discovery of new drugs and materials is the
The success of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in computer vision i...
In order to quickly adapt to new data, few-shot learning aims at learnin...
We show that the transformer attention mechanism is the update rule of a...
Due to the current severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Diagnosing basal cell carcinomas (BCC), one of the most common cutaneous...
Regional rainfall-runoff modeling is an old but still mostly out-standin...
Despite the huge success of Long Short-Term Memory networks, their
Without any means of interpretation, neural networks that predict molecu...
The new wave of successful generative models in machine learning has
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) evolved into one of the most
Deep Learning has revolutionized vision via convolutional neural network...
Everyday we are exposed to various chemicals via food additives, cleanin...