The semantic parsing-based method is an important research branch for
High-quality data is essential for conversational recommendation systems...
Recently, the contrastive language-image pre-training, e.g., CLIP, has
Dialogue state tracking (DST) aims to convert the dialogue history into
Hybrid question answering (HQA) aims to answer questions over heterogene...
Traditional end-to-end task-oriented dialog systems first convert dialog...
Question answering requiring discrete reasoning, e.g., arithmetic comput...
Few-shot dialogue state tracking (DST) is a realistic problem that train...
This study investigates the task of knowledge-based question generation
Real-world text applications often involve composing a wide range of tex...
A typical end-to-end task-oriented dialog system transfers context into
Reasoning machine reading comprehension (R-MRC) aims to answer complex
Existing conversational recommendation (CR) systems usually suffer from
This paper aims to enhance the few-shot relation classification especial...
In this paper, we present a generative model to generate a natural langu...
Understanding the connections between unstructured text and semi-structu...