With the electrification of transportation, the rising uptake of electri...
We consider a rate-splitting multiple access (RSMA)-based communication ...
We discuss the inadequacy of covariances/correlations and other measures...
In this paper, we consider a distributed joint sensing and communication...
The well-studied Tai mapping between two rooted labeled trees T_1(V_1, E...
In the rectangle stabbing problem, we are given a set of axis-aligned
Coalition formation is a central part of social interactions. In the eme...
Given a partially order set (poset) P, and a pair of families of ideals
Given a CNF formula Φ with clauses C_1,...,C_m and variables
We consider robust discrete minimization problems where uncertainty is
A hypergraph H on n vertices and m edges is said to be
Algorithmic-matching sites offer users access to an unprecedented number...
Packing and covering semidefinite programs (SDPs) appear in natural
The diffusion of information has been widely modeled as stochastic diffu...