In a controllable text generation dataset, there exist unannotated attri...
Hybrid Question-Answering (HQA), which targets reasoning over tables and...
Pre-trained seq2seq models have achieved state-of-the-art results in the...
To promote and further develop RST-style discourse parsing models, we ne...
Target-oriented Opinion Words Extraction (TOWE) is a fine-grained sentim...
A repetition is a response that repeats words in the previous speaker's
Writing an ad text that attracts people and persuades them to click or a...
The recently proposed FixMatch achieved state-of-the-art results on most...
Numerical tables are widely used to present experimental results in
In community-based question answering (CQA) platforms, it takes time for...
We tackle the task of automatically generating a function name from sour...
We propose neural models that can normalize text by considering the
Sentence compression is the task of compressing a long sentence into a s...
Browsing news articles on multiple devices is now possible. The lengths ...