Subsampling is effective in Knowledge Graph Embedding (KGE) for reducing...
In this paper, we propose a table and image generation task to verify ho...
Pre-trained seq2seq models have achieved state-of-the-art results in the...
To promote and further develop RST-style discourse parsing models, we ne...
In this article, we explain the recent advance of subsampling methods in...
A repetition is a response that repeats words in the previous speaker's
Negative sampling (NS) loss plays an important role in learning knowledg...
Writing an ad text that attracts people and persuades them to click or a...
In knowledge graph embedding, the theoretical relationship between the
Numerical tables are widely used to present experimental results in
We tackle the task of automatically generating a function name from sour...
We propose neural models that can normalize text by considering the
Sentence compression is the task of compressing a long sentence into a s...