Recent results of machine learning for automatic vulnerability detection...
This report outlines the objectives, methodology, challenges, and result...
Some bugs cannot be exposed by program inputs, but only by certain progr...
While the aim of fuzzer evaluation is to establish fuzzer performance in...
Fuzzing has proven to be a fundamental technique to automated software
Many protocol implementations are reactive systems, where the protocol
Defect predictors, static bug detectors and humans inspecting the code c...
Today, most automated test generators, such as search-based software tes...
Statistical fault localization is an easily deployed technique for quick...
We introduce Learn2fix, the first human-in-the-loop, semi-automatic repa...
Static program analysis today takes an analytical approach which is quit...
Coverage-based greybox fuzzing (CGF) is one of the most successful metho...
As software engineering researchers, we already understand how to make
A fundamental challenge of software testing is the statistically