To ensure safety in teleoperated driving scenarios, communication betwee...
Over the past few years, the concept of VR has attracted increasing inte...
Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have emerged as a powerful appro...
In recent years, autonomous networks have been designed with Predictive
Over the past few years, eXtended Reality (XR) has attracted increasing
Thanks to recent advancements in the technology, eXtended Reality (XR)
The latest IEEE 802.11 amendments provide support to directional
Multimedia applications, like video streaming, teleconference, tele-cont...
3GPP NR V2X represents the new 3GPP standard for next-generation vehicul...
Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications have opened the way towards
In the last decades, technological developments in wireless communicatio...
IEEE 802.11bd and 3GPP NR V2X represent the new specifications for the n...
The next generation of multimedia applications will require the