We propose an extension of the classical union-of-balls filtration of
For a finite set of balls of radius r, the k-fold cover is the space
We study the decomposition of zero-dimensional persistence modules, view...
In this work, we study several variants of matrix reduction via Gaussian...
Bifiltered graphs are a versatile tool for modelling relations between d...
In the field of topological data analysis, persistence modules are used ...
We study the algorithmic complexity of computing persistent homology of ...
Compression aims to reduce the size of an input, while maintaining its
Rips complexes are important structures for analyzing topological featur...
Given a finite set A⊂ℝ^d, let Cov_r,k denote the set of
all points withi...
Multi-parameter persistent homology is a recent branch of topological da...
The matching distance is a computationally tractable topological measure...
We give necessary and sufficient criteria for elementary operations in a...
In algorithms for finite metric spaces, it is common to assume that the
The matching distance is a pseudometric on multi-parameter persistence
Čech complexes are useful simplicial complexes for computing and
We show that computing the interleaving distance between two multi-grade...
Topological data analysis and its main method, persistent homology, prov...
Rips complexes are important structures for analyzing topological featur...