Technical debt refers to the consequences of sub-optimal decisions made
Technical debt, specifically Self-Admitted Technical Debt (SATD), remain...
Software engineers share their architectural knowledge (AK) in different...
Self-Admitted Technical Debt or SATD can be found in various sources, su...
Technical debt denotes shortcuts taken during software development, most...
We introduce Saga, a next-generation knowledge construction and serving
Technical debt refers to taking shortcuts to achieve short-term goals wh...
Technical debt is a metaphor indicating sub-optimal solutions implemente...
The phenomenon of architecture erosion can negatively impact the mainten...
Architecture erosion (AEr) can adversely affect software development and...
Software developers use issue trackers (e.g. Jira) to manage defects, bu...
Software engineers need relevant and up-to-date architectural knowledge ...
As software systems evolve, their architecture is meant to adapt accordi...
Technical debt refers to taking shortcuts to achieve short-term goals, w...