A central question for neuroscience is how to characterize brain
The spreading of attention has been proposed as a mechanism for how huma...
Comparing representations of complex stimuli in neural network layers to...
Neural network language models can serve as computational hypotheses abo...
Human visual perception carves a scene at its physical joints, decomposi...
Data visualizations summarize high-dimensional distributions in two or t...
Representational similarity analysis (RSA) tests models of brain computa...
Biological visual systems exhibit abundant recurrent connectivity.
Distinct scientific theories can make similar predictions. To adjudicate...
Representational similarity analysis (RSA) has been shown to be an effec...
The visual system is an intricate network of brain regions that enables ...
Neural network models can now recognise images, understand text, transla...
Originally inspired by neurobiology, deep neural network models have bec...
Testing two potentially multivariate variables for statistical dependenc...
Building machines that learn and think like humans is essential not only...
As deep neural networks (DNNs) are applied to increasingly challenging
Deep neural networks (DNNs) provide useful models of visual representati...