Cloud services must be continuously monitored to guarantee that misbehav...
Runtime enforcers can be used to ensure that running applications satisf...
The Android framework provides a rich set of APIs that can be exploited ...
Automated Program Repair (APR) techniques typically exploit spectrum-bas...
Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) is an unsupervised learning algorithm...
Systems of systems are highly dynamic software systems that require flex...
Mobile operating systems evolve quickly, frequently updating the APIs th...
Android apps must work correctly even if their execution is interrupted ...
Software enforcers can be used to modify the runtime behavior of softwar...
Many applications are implemented as multi-tier software systems, and ar...
Dealing with the evolution of operating systems is challenging for devel...
Android applications are executed on smartphones equipped with a variety...
Cloud systems are complex, large, and dynamic systems whose behavior mus...
Android apps must be able to deal with both stop events, which require
Runtime enforcement can be effectively used to improve the reliability o...
Smart Cities are future urban aggregations, where a multitude of
Cloud systems are complex and large systems where services provided by
By leveraging large clusters of commodity hardware, the Cloud offers gre...
The introduction of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) int...
It is a general opinion that applicative cooperation represents a useful...
Policy enforcers are sophisticated runtime components that can prevent